Wave House Mallorca 1st Twitter Hotel

03aWaveHouse-ReceptionLobby_0Wave House Mallorca is the original “Twitter Experience” hotel, taking holiday socialization to a whole new level. Every corner of the hotel is designed to generate conversation. One of the reasons the hotel next to the FlowBarrel and FlowRider is wildly popular is because of the Twitter experience and amenities that come with it. The hotel creates a virtual community ‪(called #‎SocialWave)‬ and services that connect its clients by Twitter, in a completely interactive experience.

Exclusive Amenities

mallorca aerial2The hotel’s designated Twitter concierges provide services and contests, and facilitate conversation between guests. By signing up with their Twitter account, guests enjoy exclusive party suites, discounts, VIP hammocks, free drinks at the Friday night Twitter Party, and other amenities – all by registering with their Twitter account. Hotel guests also receive DISCOUNTS on the FlowBarrel and FlowRider. Woot! Book your trip to one of Europe’s hottest vacation destinations!

party suite sol wavehouse

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